How I completely uninstall android studio from my Macbook Pro


Recently I downloaded android studio on my Macbook Pro and I messed up with it every time I can not run emulator gave me some error like HXAM is lost so I decided to remove the whole android studio and re install it by following way at my mac book pro.


I executed those command form my terminal

rm -Rf /Applications/Android\
rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio*
rm ~/Library/Preferences/
rm -Rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/AndroidStudio*
rm -Rf ~/Library/Logs/AndroidStudio*
rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/AndroidStudio*

I deleted all projects from following command:

rm -Rf ~/AndroidStudioProjects

to remove gradle related files (caches & wrapper) I follow

rm -Rf ~/.gradle

Using the below command to delete all Android Virtual Devices(AVDs) and *.keystore. note: this folder is used by others Android IDE as well, so be careful if we use other IDE we will not remove this folder

rm -Rf ~/.android

to deleting Android SDK tools

rm -Rf ~/Library/Android*